Tips To Keep Your Pets Safe During Pest Control Services

bug spray

American Pest is a trusted MD pest control service that homeowners can contact when pests like roaches, spiders, ants, and mice infest their home throughout Maryland, DC, and Northern Virginia.

In order for our exterminators to complete their work efficiently and effectively, before their arrival they may ask you to clean a few areas of your house, such as taking all things out of under sinks, and off the shelves of cupboards and pantries and removing furniture and other items away from the baseboards.

One thing you might overlook when you are rushing to plan the pest control services is that you have pets. On the morning of your scheduled service, you are in a panic wondering; will Rover, Tweety and your other beloved pets be protected?

American is the right answer. Here are some tips you can do to ensure your pet's security while using pest control services.

Inform your exterminator.

We know that a sudden pest issue can be stressful , and you may not remember to mention the plethora of pets; don't worry we'll inquire.

Luckily, the majority of pest control techniques we use are safe for homes that have pet safe fly repellent However, it is best to spend a few minutes to talk to our pest control expert about the pets that reside at home, where they will be upon arrival and any additional precautions you may have to follow after they leave.

Be sure to keep your pets in a secure environment

As with children, pets are attracted by curiosity and could be overwhelmed by the need to discover the new smells and sounds within their homes and as "man's best friend" they could spend a few minutes making acquaintances with our experts.

Don't be fooled, we love our pets, but their curiosity can lead them to be too close to the substances we employ in our pest control services.

It is best to keep your four-legged companions in a kennel , or pet carrier. If one is not accessible, lock them in an area of your home that isn't scheduled for service, for example, the basement, garage or bedrooms.

While the majority of treatment options for household pests are confined to targeted areas where pests are found (i.e. Fleas and bedbugs can be discovered behind walls, behind baseboards, gaps, and beneath counter tops. But, treatment should be taken into consideration for pets.

Feathered As Well As Funny Buddies

Reptiles, fish and birds might require a bit of specific preparation prior to indoor treatments for pests such as bed bugs and fleas.

To keep water droplets, mist or even the overspray of water from entering the tanks or enclosures, cover them with a towel or blanket.

Depending on what kind of bird species you be a part of, you might want to make a short phone call to your vet for assistance. Birds that have respiratory issues may be more vulnerable to problems.

Consult your American pest professional If you're not sure. He or she can determine whether your pet(s) are based on particular bug spray treatment, would need to be removed from the property.

It is important to prepare your pet to receive pest control services in the earliest time possible. If you have questions do not hesitate to ask. Our experienced Maryland pest control professionals are available to discuss any concerns you might have.


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